l'Arc de Triomphe

l'Arc de Triomphe

Boatride on the Seine Monday

Boatride on the Seine Monday

Neighborhood around school

Neighborhood around school
our charming town is called Enghien-les-bains

School Sign - Middle/High School

School Sign - Middle/High School
'college' means middle school in French!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Parting Words - Au revoir la belle France

I asked the students each to provide me with a comment about their experience in France. Here is what they wrote:

Joni - Being in France has been amazing and unbelievable. At first I couldn't believe that I was here for 2 weeks. Two weeks seemed like a whole year at first! Then I couldn't believe Paris! It was huge, it was amazing and the buildings were magnificently ancient! Now I can't believe that tomorrow I will be back in Iowa with my English-speaking family and friends. Thanks to everyone - it was unbelievable!

Jyothi - I can't even express how amazing this experience has been...I've learned so much about life in France and I wouldn't trade this opportunity for anything...not even a Chanel purse from avenue Champs-Elysees or a basketful of baguettes and, boy, were those baguettes good!

Sarah - "Is this heaven? Are you an angel?"
"No, this is Paris, and I'm a French person."
Thus began my spring break in France. My two weeks of stilettos, ascots, and boulangeries. An artistic mantra, Paris has shaped my body (thanks, croissants), mind, and soul. Too much of a good thing can make you sick, but not when pertaining to France.

Niki - I have enjoyed everything about this trip, from playing cards with my host family to class excursions to Paris. This experience has been amazing! Meeting new people and experiencing the French life first hand is something! Thanks, Dad and James, for letting me come! :) Not to mention the chocolate was to die for.

Ally - The day I arrived, France swept me off my feet with its promises of chocolate and great fashion. Each day was a new adventure I embarked upon, and around every corner was something new. This has been the chance of a lifetime.

Winky - My stay in France was better than I thought it would be! I got to see many ancient castles and museums including Versailles and the Louvre. I shopped on the Champs-Elysees and took a Bateau Mouche down the Seine. Not only that, but I got to spend a day in Disneyland Resort Paris! However, the best part of my 2 week stay was making friends and staying with an amazing French family who invited me back to France this summer. I learned so much more French and I'm so excited to return to Iowa and tell my family about it.

Leah - Being in France is pretty much the coolest thing, ever! It has been great to meet so many new friends, and learn about such an interesting culture while improving my French...though I'm still excited to see my mom when we get home!

Alyssa - This has been an experience I probably will never have again. Experiencing this fast-paced yet relaxing area has been a much needed break, however intellectually challenging!

Devon - France is the wind beneath my wings. The days are filled with friends, laughter, and nutella. C'est la vie! (mdr)

Tad - I learned that all the people around the world are the same. The only difference is the language and the place.

Alex - The strangest part about being in France was seeing everyday normal people, and then hearing them open their mouths and not speak English.

Raquel - (It appears that I have not received her comment yet - to come upon our return!)

Mme Z - I am so proud of this group and their efforts to enjoy and learn on this trip. Merci to all of them. Also, a great big thank you to Mme Moscovitz for all of her work on this side as our coordinator. Our stay would not have happened without her.

Here we come - see you in Cedar Rapids around 5:30 on Wednesday evening! If anyone has room for Mme Z in their car, she is looking for a ride to CF!

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